Create a Book Cover Design to Hook Your Audience and Boost Book Sales

Discover the industry secrets publishers use to design book covers that captivate readers and convert browsers to buyers.

So You Want to Read More This Year? Here Are Five Tips for Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolution

Distributing Your Book to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and More: How Publishers Sell Books

Part of the dream of becoming an author is imagining yourself walking into your local bookstore and seeing your...

Meet Beau Johnson, Ballast Books Acquisitions Assistant and Your First Point of Contact

Beau Johnson is our acquisitions team assistant. Having joined us as an intern while finishing up her studies at San Francisco State University, Beau stayed...

Production Editor Journey Mathewson Helps Get Your Book Ready to Publish

Journey Mathewson joined the team recently as a production editor while wrapping up her studies in publishing and journalism at Belmont University. As a production editor, many authors will be familiar with Journey...

Your Ballast Books Editing Team: Meet Emma Sherk

Emma Sherk is a production and editorial assistant on the Ballast team who has the pleasure of working on everything from heavy-hitting memoirs...

Employee Spotlight: Ballast’s Director of Publishing, Savannah Spidalieri

When it comes to publishing, there’s one person at Ballast who is always ready to jump in and make things happen—and that’s Savannah Spidalieri.

Meet Our Newest Acquisitions Editor, Camma Duhamell

As the newest addition to the Ballast and Blue Balloon Books acquisitions team, Camma Duhamell has brought a fresh perspective and unmatched energy to our search for the next great titles to add to our growing catalogue.

Mastering the Social Mediaverse: Building an Online Following for Your Book Launch

Ready to captivate audiences across various platforms and build a thriving online presence for...

Author Toolbox: Mastering Email Newsletters for a Powerful Book Launch

Congratulations! You've poured your heart and soul into crafting a masterpiece, and now your book is on the cus...

Meet Michael Stutts, Author of There's No Room Service at the Psych Ward

“Most c-suite executives do not trade a corner office for a room at the psych ward” reads the headline on Michael Stutts’s new memoir, There’s No Room Service at the...

Meet Lauren Green, Ballast Books Acquisitions Editor

If you’re a Ballast or Blue Balloon Books author, chances are that you have crossed paths with Lauren Green.

How to Pitch Yourself: A DIY Guide for Authors

Becoming an author is an incredible accomplishment, but your work isn’t done once you’ve approved...

How to Utilize Newswires When Marketing Your Book

If a tree falls in a forest and its wood is used to make paper for a book that no one knows is available, do the pages make a sound?...

Planning a Launch Event

Releasing a book is a huge achievement, marking the pinnacle of months (or sometimes years) of hard work. As an author gets...

Meet Faith Fiorile, Ballast Books Publishing Associate!

Faith Fiorile joined the Ballast family as publishing associate earlier this year. Following a life-long love...

Promoting Your Book Before Launch: A Guide for Eager Authors

The day has come–your book is complete. After months or even years of hard work writing and editing...

Gift Guide for Every Type of Book Lover In Your Life

As the beginning of December rolls around, this time of year is often accompanied by a distinct realization that you’ve yet to come up with gifts for each of your loved ones, let alone have started buying them.

Meet Kat Dixon, Ballast Books Acquisitions Editor

Kat Dixon is the first face that many of our Ballast Books and Blue Balloon Books authors see.

Meet Lindsey Dunn, Ballast Books Marketing and PR Manager

Back in August, the Ballast Books team welcomed Lindsey Dunn as our new marketing and PR manager. Lindsey brings to the team a successful track record of ...

Meet Kayleigh Rucinski, Ballast Books Production Editor

Our production editor, Kayleigh Rucinski, came to us just one year ago with a robust educational background from Belmont University...

How a Hybrid Publishing Deal Can Launch—or Enrich—Your Business Coaching Career

As business leaders across markets better understand the value professional coaching provides, a wash of new coaches, all hoping to cash in, has flooded the pool. Whether you’re an established business coach with decades of experience or a newcomer desperate to make your mark, taking strategic steps now will ensure you’re ready to float above the rest.

Author Branding 101: Creating a Personal Brand to Promote Your Book

The Comprehensive Guide to Successful Book Marketing Strategies

The Future of Publishing: Navigating Trends and Staying Ahead

Traditional, Self-, and Hybrid Publishing: Which Path Is Right for You?

Can (Should) I Sign with a Publisher Before My Manuscript Is Complete?

(Hint: Yes. And Yes.)

Publishing Paths Demystified.

Many people dream of publishing a book. But turning that dream into a reality can seem daunting. Where do you start? Fortunately, today’s publishing landscape provides a variety of ways for authors to get their books into the hands of readers.

Yes, You Do Need an Email List. Here’s Why.

If you are planning to publish a book you hope to sell, there’s one marketing tool you mustn’t ignore.

Disrupting the Publishing Industry.

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