About the Book:

At RoboWok’s inception, no one knew the effect the automated wok would have on the world of food. Now, four characters, each on a journey of self-discovery, must find a way to create their own legacies.

David is a wildly successful entrepreneur. One catch, though—he’s peaked early. Having founded RoboWok with the help of a small, dedicated team he then quickly forgot, he has sold the company for an outlandish sum. He now spends his days puttering about in his mansion, musing on what further challenge might be out there for him and fielding constant calls from his father, Bernard. 

Bernard is calculatingly keen for the world—and above all the other members of his gentlemen’s club—to know that David was produced with his own excellent genetics. And he’s constantly working to railroad his son into contrived appearances at the club to advertise their family’s superiority. 

Natasha, a team member whom David promptly forgot, is existentially adrift after the sale of RoboWok to a corporate buyer. No puttering about in large mansions for her though. Instead, it’s mindless overwork for a new, mindless boss. She’s riddled with doubts that she’ll never have the courage to break free. 

Maria, a member of David’s cleaning staff, is also racked by doubts. Desperate to escape her life of poverty and thankless work, she comes up with a plan, though it may not exactly be legal. 

Four characters, one tautly written drama replete with biting cultural commentary. Their paths cross in a deft interweaving that produces one surprising plot twist after another. 

About the Author:

Axel T. Harper is the proud father of three amazing children and is married to the greatest woman who has ever lived on the face of this planet. He has worked in and around the interface of business and technology for most of his life.

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